My last weekend

My last weekend was really interesting because I didn’t plain anything, but suddenly everything happened. First of all, I went to “apumanque” in the afternoon (a place where are a lot of shops to buy a lot of kind of things,it is in “las condes”), for a recommendation of a friend that told me there sold the piercing that I need. It was a long trip, and for nothing, because the shop was really expensive, and wasn’t worth the effort.

After that I called to a friend and he told me that we should meet us, and I accepted the invitation. One hour after we were in mall plaza egaña just losing the time, and we decided to buy some fries (a lot of) and I remembered that I wanted to see a movie from long time ago, a scared movie called “It”, even when my friend don’t like this kind of movies, he accept, I was so happy!

When we were at the cinema, we notice that every ticket was so expensive! I was furious, but well, finally he accompanied me to say hi to my ex colleagues of work, because I’ve been working there the last year. In the middle of conversation, one colleague that listened my story about the tickets told me “I can sell you two tickets cheaper than here” and he saved us! We run to check the timings, and for our surprise in 4 minutes it was going to begin the movie. Was an improvised day, but that are the best.


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